An existing physics building will be retrofitted to create 12,500m2 of new research and workplace facilities. Four other blocks will be demolished.
BDP says its proposals will – alongside new teaching and education facilities – deliver a new green space which could be used for special events at the heart of the campus, while enhancing biodiversity.
Currently, 13 departments in Warwick’s Science, Engineering, and Medicine Faculty occupy the site proposed for redevelopment. Planning documents describe the existing buildings as ‘ageing’.
Under the plans, a slice of Warwick University’s campus would be redeveloped to house existing science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects.
A reserved matters application for the new facilities is expected to be submitted next year. Enabling works are expected to get under way beforehand, if the submitted plans are approved.
The masterplan includes a proposed 27,000m2 science and engineering research and education facility and a 6,800m² engineering research facility, along with a new energy centre to support the new science precinct.
The scheme would provide three new and one retrofitted block alongside a new central green space to the north of the site, which the practice was appointed to masterplan in 2018.
A Warwick University spokesperson said: ‘We have submitted a hybrid planning application, which includes required enabling works and describes our proposals to regenerate and add to our current STEM facilities, to ensure our world-leading teaching and research remains outstanding, enabling us to attract the brightest minds to our community.’
The proposal is a part of Warwick’s 10-year-plan, announced in April this year, to ‘reimagine’ the existing STEM campus facilities.
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