Bragbury End, Stevenage

Project title SBC 1123 Provision of Architectural services for local plan site H04
Client Stevenage Borough Council
Contract value £80,000
First round deadline Midday, 17 January 2024
Restrictions Applicants must have an annual turnover of at least £200,000
More information


‘As the land ownership of the Housing Allocation site is split between two parties, there may be a requirement for the successful tenderer to masterplan the northern element of the site and a price will be requested for this.

Bids to deliver the contract will be evaluated 50 per cent on quality, 10 per cent social value and 40 per cent on cost. Applicants must hold employer’s liability insurance of £10 million, public liability insurance of £5 million and professional indemnity insurance of £2 million.

Competition details

‘If the alternate land owner seeks their own planning permission independently from Stevenage Borough Council, there will be a requirement to review this submission and ensure that the proposed development for the Stevenage Borough Council owned site considers the relevant infrastructure requirements shared by both parties and develops a design which is cohesive with the northern site.

According to the brief: ‘The council is looking to commission architectural services to produce a comprehensive package of drawings and specifications up to RIBA stage 2, with elements of the site needing to meet RIBA stage 3 at the discretion of the council (although expected to be between 10-15 [per cent] of the site) and submit a hybrid planning application for this scheme.

‘Stevenage Borough Council reserves the right to not take up the master plan element of the Northern site, but any successful tenderer will need to ensure their designs pay due attention to any proposals for the Northern site.’

The project, planned to complete in 2027, will transform a large undeveloped greenfield plot located to the south of the A602 on the south eastern fringes of the settlement.

Stevenage is a large settlement of around 87,000 inhabitants located 44km north of central London which grew rapidly following the Second World War as Britain’s first ‘New Town’ development. PRP and Mace were selected for an ongoing, multi-decade £1 billion regeneration of Stevenage town centre in 2018.

The team selected for the estimated £80,000 contract will draw up plans for around 400 new homes along with retail and community spaces on a 22ha site which is partially owned by the local authority.

The latest project will transform a large agricultural and grassland site close to existing suburban housing on the fringes of Stevenage. The search for a design team comes three years after Hertford Planning Service won a contract for the design of 110 new homes nearby on Redcar Drive.

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