JTP’s Wembley student accommodation towers get the green light

‘The site would be far better [for] building flats, because we have such a shortage of housing,’ he said.

But planning officers noted that the site was within a designated tall building zone and added that upper levels of both blocks had been set back, saying this ‘helps to lessen their impact on the skyline’.

No ‘affordable’ student housing – where rent for a bedroom is no more than 55 per cent of the available government maintenance loan – will be included in the towers. Instead, the developer will pay almost £4 million to the borough’s affordable housing programme.

Councillors eventually acted in line with officer recommendations, approving the application by four votes to three.

‘The detailing and use of attractive materials will help to enhance the design quality and give depth and visual interest to the elevations.’

Up to 639 student bedrooms will be provided, of which 414 will be in clusters, 161 will be studios and 64 will be wheelchair-accessible studios.

JTP says the connection for pedestrian and cyclists will help facilitate east-west travel off the busy High Road and aid regeneration.

JTP partner Nigel Bidwell said the consent was an important part of an ‘exciting’ set of developments in the area.

‘The innovative student housing, underpinned by extensive research, delivers new-generation facilities that will attract new students and economic benefits to further the regeneration of the High Road and the surrounding area,’ he said.


Two committee members voting against the project on grounds of the lack of on-site affordable housing, while a third, Conservative Michael Maurice, said he was unhappy with the very nature of the plans.

A handful of objections were received to the application, however, some citing the height of the scheme.

Consent was granted by four votes to three for the scheme drawn up for developer Regal London last week (13 December), with planning officers recommending approval of the development.

Under JTP’s designs, two towers with a connecting ground-floor podium will rise above nearby railway tracks on a largely unused plot.

New public realm will provide a route for the Wembley Greenway, a pedestrian route emerging along the railway tracks as part of other redevelopment schemes.

‘Overall, the proposals represent a considered and appropriate design response that demonstrates an appreciation of the existing and emerging context,’ said officers.

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